Saturday, October 17, 2009

The Rules Don't Apply to Me

I sent Stephen another email. I forgot to tell him in our session yesterday that I had forgiven Paul. Then, after I sent it, I wondered why do I do that?

Stephen is not condemning of my email, but he does remind me he has asked me not to do therapy via email. Email is for scheduling only. He handles me with mercy while presenting the rule. Funny, but last time he actually did a little therapy himself in the form of reassurance prior to reminding me of the boundary. Every once in a while the boundary has a little flexibility in it, but he holds it for my sake as well as his.

I do not do boundaries very well when it comes to those in power positions. I tend to function out of the belief that the rule doesn't apply to me. I was wondering why when it hit me, "Well, duh!"

In the abusive relationships, the connection told me I was special and I needed to hear that. To believe the rules didn't apply to me allowed my mind to separate from the truth. Boundaries are there for a reason and the reason was to protect me. Instead, I see boundaries as the right to deny me. Denial of something I want, need, and deserve. Ouch!

I am more important than Stephen's other clients. I am more important than his time in preparation to work with other counselors in training. And under that lie.......?

Well, I know this much. God will bring his truth and healing and He will do it much the way Stephen handles me - with truth and grace.


Rev. Mike said...

Hi Di,

I recently received the KREATIV BLOGGER award, and I wanted you to be recognized as well. Come and check it out when you get a chance.

Mike T.

Percheron Gray said...

Amazing post! Thank you so much! I have always felt that the rules didn't apply to me. I thought it was because I came from an intelligent "hippie," laissez-faire kind of family. Well, perhaps drugs, incest, and neglect is a better description. Now, I understand better my own feeling of "the rules don't apply to me." I still feel that way about everything. How do I start to touch down to reality better?? Have you explored this further?