Saturday, April 28, 2007

Confronting My Abuser: The Phone Call

I have reread the original post and so far I am good with it. I realized though that the phone call came first. I don't want to scare him away and I don't want to panic when he answers. So I will post my thoughts on what I will say.

"Hello Bob, this is *********"

(Sorry about the need to be anonymous. If you need me not to be, leave me your email address and I will email you.) I expect a moment of silence and shock on his end.

"I don't want to hurt you. I am sitting in the office at (name of church). Tom (last name) is sitting here with me. It has been a long time and I am ready to talk. Can you? Are you ready?"

Obviously where the conversation goes will depend on what he says after this but I am going to list some things I might say in the phone conversation.

"I need to face you. Would you be willing to drive over and meet me here at the church?"
"There are things I need to say, but my heart is that you will take away as much healing as I do."
"Tom will be here, but at some point I will need for you and I to talk by ourselves. Tom knows everything I can remember so there is nothing to hide and no reason to hide it."
"How have you been since the regional minister confronted you."
"Does you family know?"
"What are you feeling right now?"

I realized in the middle of writing this how important it is for me to picture those who are supporting me to be standing there with me.

I am feeling more ready. I am also feeling more scared.


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